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- Handloader 203 February 2000
Product Description
Make Mine a .45 Colt Single Action Army - Reloader's Press - Dave Scovill/ Shortcuts to Better Handloads - Field Notes - Wayne van Zwoll/ Understanding Brass Shotshells - Powder Keg - Ross Seyfried/ .280 Remington - Cartridge Board - Gil Sengel/ E.R. Shaw Gives Barrel Fluting a New Twist - Benchtopics - Layne Simpson/ .250-3000 Savage - An effective .25 caliber - Stan Trzoniec/ Pet Loads: Loading Big Game Bullets for Deer - Effective techniques for versatility. - Ken Waters/ .35 Whelen - The first of the semi-magnums - Al Miller/ Hunting Handguns - Heavyweights .44, .475 and .50 caliber - Ross Seyfried/ Low Recoil 12 Gauge 7/8 ounce Trap Loads - The trend is changing. - Layne Simpson/ B 29: The Ultimate Wildcat - Revolutionary or baloney? - John Barsness/ What Handloaders Should Know - Things to keep in mind. - Wayne van Zwoll/ Remington's Rosewood Handle Field Knife - Product Tests - Al Miller/ Vihtavuori N540 - Propellant Profiles - R.H. VanDenburg, Jr.