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- Handloader 354 February 2025
Product Description
On the Cover... A custom-built AR-10 chambered in 8.6 Blackout with a 16-inch Faxon barrel (1:3 twist) and a Steiner T5Xi 3-15x 50mm scope, mounted in a Spuhr ISMS (Ideal Scope Mount System). Photograph by Patrick Meitin.
Table of Contents
Column PG 4 Figuring Out the 44-40 Winchester Reloader's Press by Jeremiah Polacek
Column PG 10 Ramshot Grand Propellant Profiles by Rob Behr
Column PG 12 44 Magnum Rifle Barrel Twist Rate Bullet's and Brass by Brian Pierce
Column PG 14 06-Gauge Shotshell Cartridge Board by Gil Sengel
Column PG 18 John Taffin's Perfect Packin' Pistol From the Hip by Brian Pierce
Column PG 22 A Tale of Two Kaboom From the Bench by Art Merrill
Column PG 24 7mm-308 Improved Wildcat Cartridges Press by Layne Simpson
Feature PG 28 8.6 Blackout The Big Brother to the 300 Blackout by Patrick Meitin
Feature PG 36 Loading the (Delightful) 28 Gauge 3⁄4 - Ounce Magic by Terry Wieland
Feature PG 42 Handloading for Auto Pistols Making Every Shot Count Is Easy by Stan Trzoniec
Feature PG 48 300 Ruger Compact Magnum - Pet Loads Impressive Performance in a Compact Magnum by Brian Pierce
Feature PG 56 I'll Have a 30 Gibbs! Nipping at the Heels of the 300 H&H by Wayne van Zwoll
Column PG 66 Globalization and the Lack of Powder In Range by Terry Wieland