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- 2012 7mm Rifles and Cartridges Special Edition
Product Description
7x57mm Mauser - Spotting Scope - Dave Scovill/ Contemporaries of the 7x57mm - Down Range - Mike Venturino/ The 7mm Comes Full Circle - Classic Cartridges - John Haviland/ Seven Deadly Millimeters - Ron Spomer/ The Legacy of the 7x57mm - John Barsness/ 7mm Magnums - Brian Pearce/ 7mm Remington Magnum - Velocity with Manageable Recoil - John Haviland/ The Commercial Sevens - Terry Wieland/ 7x57mm Mauser in Military Service - Mike Venturino/ 7mm in Africa - Ganyana/ Western Powder Gun Care Products - Product Tests - R.H. VanDenburg, Jr./ 7x57 - Walnut Hill - Terry Wieland